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GMOs: Good or Bad?

Directions: Find a credible source that discusses using GMOs. Add a comment to this post that includes:

  1. A citation for the source
  2. A brief (50-100) summary of the source that addresses the pros/cons of using GMOs
  3. An open-ended question
Once you have done an initial post for each topic in the blog, you will reply twice for each topic. Your reply should...

  • Answer the question (pulling in an additional source if needed - cite as necessary)
  • End with another open-ended question to continue the discussion


  1. GMOs have been used by humans as a vital tool for farming for a number of years, but what some people don’t know are the pros and cons of the matter. GMOs make farming a faster process, crops are grown quicker, and are almost perfect in every way. But, in the process of creating GMOs many new species are formed, and you can’t find the natural versions of these foods in the wild. Using pesticides, one of the most common forms of GMO can affect plant and animal life negatively by spreading chemicals they may not be used to. Is the production of perfect food, worth killing millions of lifeforms around the world?

    “Pesticides.” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,. 2018,

    1. it would not be worth it because since we need animals in the world for multiple reasons we should not continue to use GMOs to place things in plants that kill species of animals. This is not worth it because if the species die then the animals that eat it as prey will die and eventually a lot of animals will go extinct or nearly extinct.

    2. I am a vegetarian. So it would not affect me in a harsh way.
      What would you do if all plants were gone by GMOs were used the wrong way.

    3. No, it was not worth killing millions lifeforms. I rather have an unperfect food then biilons of lifeforms dieing.

    4. No, because you shouldn't have to kill all those life forms just to get the food you want.

    5. I say no because many organisms provide food for us besides using seeds to grow crops. If making perfect foods means killing off animals, we should no longer make these crops.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. The answer is no. Also, this is a yes or no question so the better question would be, Why or why not do you think that the production of perfect food, worth killing millions of lifeforms around the world is ok? This question is a better question to ask.

  2. According to the Non-GMO Project, no evidence has been found that GMOs affect the direct food it has been experimented on. However, it can affect the environment. For example, it creates superweeds and superbugs that can only be killed with a very high level of toxic poisons.

    “GMO Facts.” The Non-GMO Project,

    1. GMOs don't affect organisms drastically, but they still do. Vegetarians need to watch out because people could have put animal genes into another plant. GMOs do affect the environment drastically though. Ever since GMOs were used, the amount of pesticide used on plants increased by 318 million pounds. Because of this, bees die. This can harm the existence of humans. So, why would you use GMOs?

    2. You could use GMOs to keep fruits like apples from browning, but you could also use GMOs to prevent plants from needing to be sprayed with insecticides. Are there any safety issues associated with GMOs?

    3. Some safety issues, can be over modifying organisms to the point where there is no genetic diversity in the gene pools and can also have unpredictable effects when met with someone with specific allergies.

      What are some pros of using GMOs?

    4. There are many pros to using Gmo's. Like Elizabeth said, it can prevent foods from browning also from becoming rotten easily. Also it can create foods that can build a resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides ,tolerance for heat, cold, or drought, crop yield. This is good as many places who do not have food can start altering food to eat. Minor annoyances can be avoided such as Watermelon. Watermelon used to be filled with seeds but now you can buy seedless watermelon due to it being genetically modified. "Super foods" can be made. A super fruit is a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. This helps people who have vitamin deficiency so that they may eat normal foods without having to take medicine.

      Can a Perfect* food really be made?

      *perfect as in vitamen rich, and very durable e.t.c.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms have many pros and cons. I will be identifying a pro of GMOs. One pro is that it is easier for farmers to grow. Some Genetically Modified crops can be modified to grow is “challenging” environments. For example, if a farmer were to grow a summer fruit such as a mango in the winter. It could be genetically mutated to grow in the winter. Would you eat this mango, Why?
    Ayers, Crystal. “13 Vital Pros and Cons Of GMOs.” Vittana,

    1. Well many genetically modified foods are healthy and prevent you from getting certain diseases. Making the plant immune to coldness will be good because you can eat in the winter

    2. Yes, as long as it is still safe to eat, and has all of the usual properties and characteristics of a mango, I will consume this fruit. But what is stopping the fruit from changing in undesirable ways, just to grow in the winter?

    3. Yes, I wood because if i had no food in the winter as a farmer but all i have are gmos then that would help feed me and many other people in the winter. If you had nothing to except gmo foods in the winter would you eat it?

    4. I would consume that mango because I know that they would not sell it if it was not safe. As well as, it was modified for weather, not really anything else so it should not be much different than a normal mango. Therefore, I would eat it. If there was a vote debating whether we should go completely GMO or just abandon the idea, what would you vote for?

    5. I would vote for the choice to abandon the idea because although there are positive sides of GMOs, there is also a high level of risk that comes with it. If we were just fine before GMOs, then I think we will be fine now. Would you vote with or against me, and why?

    6. I would not eat this mango because they would cost at a supermarket. Also another reason is because I do not know what they pesticides and herbicides the farmers put over the mango trees to help make the mangoes grow. But if I was sure if there were no herbicides or pesticides I would eat it.

    7. I wouldn't consume the mango, as I am cautious when dealing with something that could negatively affect my health. Though there are pros when it comes to GMO's, I'm not sure that they outweigh the cons. Would you be this cautious when deciding on eating foods with GMO's compared to organic foods.

    8. I wouldn't eat the mango because, all the pesticides that they put on the mangoes can lead to bad consequences. Your health could be at risk by eating a mango covered in those kinds of chemicals.

    9. It depends. I would only eat it as long as it is safe. I would not want to risk my life just because of a mango. The mango is covered in all kinds of different chemicals.

    10. Given the choice I would probably choose the original mango because it has less chemicals inside, the chemicals on the outside can be washed off.

    11. I would consume that mango because I know that they would not produce it if it was not safe. It was modified to grow in the winter so it should not be much different than a regular mango. Would this mango really effect you health because of the GMOs in it?

    12. I needed to do some research to answer this question. There have been several studies done to figure out whether a gmo food will negatively impact your health. An anti-gmo group looked at rats fed gmo food. They stated that every organ failed in the rats body and also claimed that it was the GMO in the potatoes that hurt them. Several studies were conducted after to find out the truth. 100 studies were taken by Harvard scientists. They found that nothing affected the animals bodies. In fact, even on a microscopic level nothing was found which put an end to the question. So, to answer your question, it would not affect your health
      "Will Gmos Hurt My Body? The Public’S Concerns And How Scientists Have Addressed Them - Science In The News." Science in the News. N. p., 2015. Web. 28 Feb. 2019.

  6. Siegel, Kate. “The Truth About GMOs: Are They Safe? What Do We Know?” WebMD,


    It has been proven that GMOs are safe to eat. 9/10 Scientists claim that there is no harm in the modified foods we eat. GMOs are used for crops, foods, and other organisms to help prevent harm or rotting to the food. The GMOs sometimes cause a ripple-effect to other orgasms. How does the ripple effect work?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, the GMOs are safe to eat, but the process the animals go through is inhumane. To answer your question, the ripple effect works in a way where an animals affect will change its predators, prey and many more factors in its ecosystem. This can be good or bad. What are some specific examples? (Keep this, this is for Part 2 of the project.)

    3. it works like the GMO's may be safe to eat but they might do something to our body that we don't realize than we pass that on, then generations later we may have a bad mutation

    4. Yes, it may cause a ripple because some GMO plants may spread pollen to other plants then those plants may get the same genes. What would happen if we made plants not have pollen by using GMOs?

    5. This is a hypothetical example of the ripple effect:
      Scientists may want to create a weed killer that effectively kills all green plants. Because "all green plants" includes crops, the scientists will want to genetically modify these plants to be resistant to these weed killers. Additionally, scientists might want to genetically modify the crops so that the insects that affect the plants are killed. If some of the pollen from these crops floats to a field with other plants and insects, all of those plants and animals will die (assuming that the weed killer is extremely potent and the pesticide substitute is effective). The predators of this species in this particular area might not have enough food to survive, and they will die.
      Now, if some GMO plants have been genetically modified to be bad for insects, explain why people eat them? Are they good for us?

    6. When a Genetically Modified Organism, or GMOs. It may be good for our body, but if we genetically modify and organism, for example crops modified to be stronger, it might make it harder for other animals to eat it, affecting the whole food chain. It will eventually affect us if we were to eat meat, but all the animals don't have enough nutrients necessary because they didn't get enough food.
      We may not be able to see the affects know since the idea of GMOs was recent, so we may see it in later generations.

    7. When do you think we will see the bad effects of GMOs?

    8. GMOs that are a part of a plant to prevent that plant from being eaten by other organisms could get onto another plant and prevent animals from eating that plant, therefore not letting that plant reproduce as easily and resulting of there being less of that plant.

  7. Ayres, Crystal. “13 Vital Pros and Cons Of GMOs.”,

    GMO's are something that almost everything has eaten. 90% of crops are GMO. Their is a split opinion on whether GMO is safe to eat or not. There are many pros to GMOs as they makes plants easier to grow, and it improves the quality of foods. But there are also negatives, they may contribute to food allergies and may contribute to antibiotic resistance, which is very bad. That leaves some with the burning question, should I eat GMOs? Is it worth the risk that might be presented? In this last decade, food allergies in children have increased as the amount of crops that are modified are, in fact it’s gone up from 3.4 to 5.1 in only 10 years! Do you think that the product that the GMO makes it worth the risk, why?

    1. I think it would be hard for someone to stop eating GMO's as there is no federal regulation requiring food companies to label their product as a "GMO." However, according to the FDA, "Foods derived from genetically engineered plants must meet the same safety, labeling, and other regulatory requirements that apply to all foods regulated by FDA" Manufacturers can voluntarily label their foods non-GMO. I looked in my pantry and only found one canned good that was labelled NON-GMO and that was a can of diced tomatoes.
      I read an article from the Washington Post that stated "Food-makers will soon be required to disclose when their products contain genetically modified ingredients — but those labels may not be as obvious, or as comprehensive, as consumers expected."
      But I doubt the majority of people read labels now....I think only people that are informed and care about what goes in to their bodies actually read labels.
      For people with allergies, wouldn't it be incredibly important to know whats in the food they're eating?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes, it would be important to know what your eating but gmos can be helpful and prevent diseases before they even happen. Why would we need to know what are in gmo foods?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Earth, Down to. “Risks of Genetic Engineering.” Down to Earth Organic and Natural, 21 June 2018,
      Genetic engineering could pose risks in the future. When people want to create a public modified food, they must have a risk assessment. This is an assessment conducted by the government and though they could of passed it, the future could still have a risk. The risks are still present or farther genetic problems. This could lead to destruction of the food their trying to get. Why don't all GMO foods have to be marked as such?

  8. GMOs are a controversial topic, but according to studies, genetically modified organisms are actually good for the environment. They reduce the impact farming has on the environment, reduce food waste, and help air quality.

    GMOs allow farmers to grow more crops with less land, meaning were feeding more of the world with the same or less amount of resources. This also means that we’re saving these resources and not wasting. Also, the less tillage farmers have to do due to GMOs causes them to need and use less fuel. In fact, they experience around 45% to 55% savings in fuel usage.

    What are some of cons that come with genetically modified organisms?

    “GMOs & The Environment.” GMO Answers, 2013,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A GMO can affect its ecosystem, such as a plant becoming poisonous to its predators, then its predators dying out, and so on. If we can understand the impact something little has in the ecosystem, I think that will help us better understand GMOs and use them wisely. How can we use GMOs wisely? (Keep this, this is for the next part of the project.)

    3. There are many cons of Genetically Modified organisms.Genetically Modified organisms are modified to be bigger and better. Therefore, our foods are being modified to be bigger. We honestly don’t know what chemicals are causing this. So, if you knew what chemicals were in Genetically Modified foods? Would you eat them?

    4. For one, the animals’ quality of life is very poor. If one plant becomes immune to disease, that plant could overrun the other plants in the area. If people care about these animals and the environment, why are they still allowing the production of GMOs?

    5. People still allow the production of GMOs because foods that have been genetically modified foods can help provide food for our overpopulated planet. GMOs take up less space and can provide more vitamins.

      Do the pros of GMOs outweigh the cons and why?

    6. The cons that come with GMOs are mostly based on health. As GMO production increases, people speculate that it may increase the amount of food-related allergies. They also say that it may contribute to the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. But, it's all just questions that have no support in the recent years. No data has been taken and connected to GMOs being the reason for an increase of allergy and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

      If there are any, what are some less than well-known pros to GMO production?

    7. The nutritional value of food can go down. When an animal grows and matures fast it loses nutritional value. When they grow and mature faster they can also decrease the amount of protein that should be in the organism. The amount of diversity in nature also goes down. If genetically modified plants get into “the wild” they would eventually take over the environment, and the plants that were previously there would basically disappear.

      Is risking all of that worth it, when it could do so much harm?

    8. Genetically modifying foods can affect people's health negatively. GMO can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging and infertility in animals. The percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9 years. What are some pros of GMO?

  9. Genetically modified Organisms (GMOs) have been used by humans for over 25 years. As there are many obvious pros of this method, there are plenty of cons as well. GMOs are proven to make crops grow faster, repel insects, last longer, resist disease, have brighter colors, and even have no seeds. While all of these things are very beneficial, they aren’t the healthiest option. Researchers believe that GMOs are the cause of the increase in allergies in people under the age of 18. GMOs are also thought to be a cause of serious diseases such as cancer. Genetically modified foods take longer to rot as well, which could entail that chemicals are used to make them last longer.
    Would you rather have your food last long and look better and risk disease, or have your food grow naturally and choose the healthier option? Why?

    “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,

    1. This topic is fascinating and I’ve spent the last three hours researching it. I’ve come across so many sites that claim there is no link between GMO’s and the increase of allergies. I find this extremely hard to believe. According to the Institute for Responsible Technology, “unlabeled genetically modified (GM) foods carry a risk of triggering life-threatening allergic reactions, and evidence collected over the past decade now suggests that they are contributing to higher allergy rates.”
      How can there be so many conflicting articles on one topic? They go on to say that “critics of GM foods often say that the US population is being used as guinea pigs in an experiment.” Part of me is inclined to agree. What do you think?

    2. I would rather eat naturally grown food because just because it looks better doesn't mean it's healthier. It would be better if we ate naturally grown food because if we risk getting diseases from food then that would waste a lot more resources trying to cure the disease. This would be bad because people would also die from the diseases they receive from the food we eat daily.

    3. I would rather eat the naturally grown food because you never know what might have been done to that fruit to make it last that long and not expire. I would not take the risk at getting a disease from that food and would rather just go to the store more and buy less food, so I could eat it fresh. If you could see any food before it was genetically modified, which one would you choose to look at?

    4. I would rather eat the naturally grown food because we do not know what has been done to the fruit and what they put in it to make it last longer and not expire that quickly. It would be better to eat food that is naturally grown so that there would be no chance of getting a disease.

    5. I would rather grow my food naturally. Due to the fact that it is healthier to grow food naturally. Although, it wouldn’t last as long, it would be healthier for me to eat. Now, let me as you this. Would you rather eat non genetically modified foods and get sick from an animal investing it, or eat a GMO filled food?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I have no idea what Jeff means by that question, but I think they mean, would you rather eat non genetically modified foods that have been contaminated with animal waste, or would you eat food that have been genetically modified. I would rather eat food with GMOs than getting sick eating organic foods.

    8. I would rather eat the naturally grown fruit because GMOs could potentially cause allergic or toxic reactions, and might not be best for animals and plants. Could negative effects found in GMOs be found positive for other animals and plants?

    9. I would rather eat the naturally grown food or crop because I would not put my health in the way just to have prettier foods. And even if the crops last long, I wont last long if I were to get cancer from eating food containing GMO's. When this is put into perspective it does not sound like the wisest option. Do you think eliminating the use of GMO's in living things decrease the annual amount of people who diagnosed with cancer?

    10. I would like to grow and eat organic food, though it is sometimes hard to access food with such quality. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to buy food with GMOs than organic food, so many people buy genetically modified food. Food with GMOs have been found to cause health problems and harm the environment. Additionally, I don't think that it is morally just to tamper with the DNA of another organism. Which do you value more- the health of the environment of the convenience and mass of food?

    11. I would rather eat food with GMO's and last longer because there is no research or proof that their are any known diseases because of GMO's. not all people can have naturally grown food and have to go to the grocery store instead. most grocery stores have GMO's in the food but the benefits of GMO's far out weigh the cons. GMO's have resistance to insects tolerance, herbicides tolerance for heat, cold, or drought crop yield.not all people can have naturally grown food and have to go to the grocery store. most grocery stores have GMO's in the food. Why eat Naturally grown food when you can eat GMO products that have more benefits?

      “About GE Foods.” Center for Food Safety,

  10. Smith, Jeffrey. “10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs.” Institute for Responsible Technology, 16 Jan. 2017,

    The author of this article has the opinion that GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are negative. He claims that GMOs are unhealthy, and that it has been proven that GMOs can cause health problems, including immune system disorders. In addition to this, the author claims that GMOs negatively impact the environment. He says that, “GM crops”, (genetically modified crops), “and their associated herbicides can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms.” The author believes that for these reasons among others, consumers should avoid GMOs.
    Keeping these claims in mind, think about possible pros of GMOs. Do you think that the pros of using GMOs outweigh the cons? Why or why not

    1. Yes, there are not many cons when it comes to GMOs but there are many pros, like the resistance of diseases and nearly perfect fruits. Should all GMOs be trusted?

    2. With the information that humanity has available at the current moment, yes, I believe that the pros of using GMO's outweigh the cons. Recent studies and surveys in the past years have stated that the genetic alteration of many foods have been done purely for the purpose of increasing the resistance of the food to certain animals or chemicals placed atop the food. Some GMO foods have also been observed to have been tampered with solely for the reason of creating a higher level of specific nutrients, such as Protein or Calcium. With recent data available, the cons of GMO production is not nearly high enough for the production to be stopped altogether. The only fault that can be found is that there is just rising concern for general human health, but no explicit material or research has been done that proves that there is a connection to the rise of medical problems.

    3. Forgot the question. What are some concerns about the environment linked to the production of GMOs?

    4. The pros do not outweigh the cons. GMOs are unhealthy for you, and bees can die. People started to use so much more pesticide once GMOs were made. When bees come to pollinate plants, they die because of the pesticide. Then, the plants don't get pollinated. This can soon lead to the extinction of humans. So why would you want to genetically modify organisms when it’s bad for us and the environment?

    5. I believe that the pros do not outweigh the cons because generally GMOs are unhealthy. For example, in 2013, the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology retracted a paper that linked the herbicide Roundup and Roundup-tolerant GM corn to cancer and premature death in rats. But not only that, it can create food allergies and that is a growing problem right now. So, is it really worth buying GMOs?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are harmful to farmers and to the environment. They can cause superweeds and superbugs to be made. Those are organisms that had mutated to become immune to pesticides and they can only be killed by more toxic and poison such as 2,4-D. The way that they affect farmer is if any GMOs are in there farm do to the pollen spreading they are able to be sued by the biotechnology companies that made them. Would you risk be a farmer and have a chance to be sued by biotechnology companies?
    “GMO Facts.” Non-GMO Project,

  13. GMOs known as Genetically Modified Organisms is the process of artificially inseminating components from one organism to another. There are many pros and cons of this easier way to produce foods. The process practices “designer” food basically having perfect looking food. GMOs also have a slower rotting processes making food last longer. Although there are many pros to this process there also are cons such as the fact the Genetically Modified Organisms can lead to rats being that rats feed on some of the genetically modified foods. GMOs can also cause liver and kidney problems. Will the world continue to go with the “pretty” food and risk the health conditions or not have perfect food but have a healthy body?
    Labmate, International. “The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).” The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Labmate Online,

  14. We know GMO stands for Genetically modified Organism. We use GMO’s to make our food look and make it immune to certain diseases. The word Genetically means genes. Genes are made of DNA. DNA are instructions for how cells grow and develop. The “M” in GMO stands for modified, this means there has been a change or an adjustment in something. The “O” stands for organism, meaning the thing that is being changed.
    According to Healthline, GMOs are good and are successful in keeping an environment healthy. GMOs make plants resistant to insects, also GMOs make plants more immune to herbicides, they can make plants tolerate a variety of weathers (heat, cold, and drought). Labmate states, GMOs cause certain diseases. Also, GMO food items are not clearly labeled. So this “means people do not have the choice to decide whether or not they wish to consume GMO products.” “GMOs could affect those with allergies in unpredictable ways.” allergic to certain foods. Why would your friend not eat the corn?

    Labmate, International. “The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).” The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Labmate Online,

    College, Purdue. “The Story of GMOs.” What Are GMOs?,

    Copp, David. “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,

    1. My question: Corn was modified to tolerate herbicides and harsh weather and your friend was allergic to certain foods. Why would your friend not eat the corn?

    2. It looks better and nicer to eat. Would you eat the corn?

  15. Lee, Bing. “GMOs Good or Bad?”, Prezi, 15 Mar. 2017,

    GMOs are basically chemicals that are injected into the food that helps prevent parasites from entering the food. They also add vitamins to improve the food source. GMOs also make food prices much lower than it would be without GMOs. GMOs are a beneficial trait that helps a living thing thrive.

    Do you like eating foods with GMOs? Why or why not?

    1. I would rather not eat genetically modified foods because these foods are not organic nor natural. Genetically modified foods aren’t natural and aren’t produced how the orginal food is. It's often that things are added to the foods to make them larger than its original size. So would you risk health condition for a larger quantity of food?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Personally, I like eating genetically modified foods due to the fact that we have control over them. With non-GMOs, nature is a key decider in the taste, freshness and over all well being of the food. With GMO's, we can modify it however we want. We can change the DNA so certain food diseases or bugs don't effect the foods. One can begin to wonder how same is the process of modifying food?

      “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,

    4. I don't really think about it, but yeah eating GM produce is cool with me. I think the pros outweigh the cons and Genetically modified food taste and looks better. I honestly think organic foods are a scam. Like, what's the point of eating a worse looking, more expensive food?

      What does the FDA have to say about GMOs?

    5. I feel it's okay to eat GM produce because I personally think the pros outweigh the cons and that if they are TRULY not healthy, that they wouldn't be served for everybody to eat. What is the main part of GM produce that people should be concerned about?

  16. Monsanto is a massive producer of GE (Genetically Engineered) seeds, which is how we grow crops. According to the Monsanto website, the process of genetic modification is the crossing of genes from two separate organisms in order to create a new organism with desired traits. Monsanto states that “One of the most important GMO facts is that GMOs are developed with beneficial traits that help them thrive in their environment. Think drought-tolerant corn, or pest-resistant soybeans that need less bug spraying. That helps farmers and better harvests benefit everyone, impacting what’s available at the store…and what we can put on our plates” (
    The problem I find with this is that Monsanto is also the world’s leading company in pesticide and herbicide (which are poisonous) production. Farmers are spraying Roundup (a product of Monsanto), which contains a chemical called glyphosate on these growing GMO seeds in order to prevent plants and weeds from growing and destroying the crops. But this Roundup is leaving trace amounts of glyphosate on the crops that we eat, which according to the EPA is legal, even though the World Health Organization’s cancer agency has stated that glyphosate is a carcinogen (
    So, while GMOs may be beneficial to farmers in their crop production, does that benefit outweigh the risks of people ingesting trace amounts of a chemical that has been deemed toxic by the WHO?
    Recently there was a story on the news that Monsanto was ordered by a judge to pay approx. 300 million to a man who had been a groundskeeper and was exposed to Roundup regularly. He is dying of non-hodgkins lymphoma. (

    My open-ended question is this: Why is our food being made (and modified) by the world’s leader of pesticide and herbicide production?

  17. Pros of using GMOs are that they are easier for farmers to grow because they are able to be modified to grow in specific environments, and GMOs can improve the quality of the food grown because we are able to change them to have a longer shelf life, it improves the nutrient content, and help the crop be tolerant to sever weather changes. The cons are that GMOs may increase food allergies because according to Vittana these allergies have increased in children from 3.4% to 5.1% in the last decade, plus the GMOs may contribute to antibiotic resistance because GMOs are sometimes are included with antibiotic-resistant genes to strengthen the crops in their growth. What are some main concerns for human health from consuming GMOs?

    Ayres, Crystal, "13 Vital Pros and Cons of GMOs" Vittana, Personal Finance Blog, 2019,

    1. Some health concerns that come with GMOs are that these genes that they are placing into our foods will be transported into our bodies. Our bodies aren’t use to these genes in our bodies which can cause food allergies. Since health concerns have been proven to stem from GMOs why haven’t they been stopped?

    2. The impact of GMOs on the human body system is very large. Humans can develop allergy increase and antibiotic resistance. Because foods are made genetically modified to make them look better, this could mean that the food they eat may cause problems toward their health. So, if genetically modifying foods is harmful to the human race, and because humans eat the food, is there a point to modifying food in the first place?

    3. The impact could be bad because it could lead to other ecosystems around us corrupting, which could lead to things such as not proper and fertile soil for crops, etc. Do you think we should continue using GMO's? Why or why not?

  18. The author of this article argues that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are bad. According to the author, ever since GMOs were created and used, farmers put almost 318 million more pounds of pesticide on their crops. A lot of pesticide can kills bees that feed on the crops which affects humans. Bees are vital to human survival. Also, a large amount of pesticide can create superweeds. This means that the weeds are resistance to the pesticide. GMOs can also affect peoples "moral and ethnical concerns." For example, animal genes can be put into other food. Then, vegetarians get harmed because they now have to watch out really carefully, or they might eat something with meat in it. 2 surverys results showed that Americans mostly didn't like GMOs. France, Germany, Japan, and Italy had about 80% of the popultion that didn't like GMOs. So, why would you like GMO's if they are a concern to everyone, and harm animals and plants?

    September 29, 2010 - Blog. “6 Reasons To Avoid GMOs September 29, 2010 - Blog.” Non-GMO Project,

    1. I agree with your question "Why would you like GMO's if they are a concern to everyone, and harm animals and plants?". I think that GMO's are essentially making conditions better for the plant and not necessarily the humans. Although genetically modifying foods leads to problems for both plants and animals, it is beneficial more for the plant making it useful for the plant as well as the farmers. So, if the GMO's are mostly helpful to the plant, does that still make it useful even though they harm humans.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  19. “Are GMOs Bad for Your Health? If You're Asking This Question, You're Probably Missing the Point.” Precision Nutrition, 5 Apr. 2018,

    In GMO’s plenty of pros and cons are present when concerning the effect it can cause to health in general, but the pros seemed to be shielded by the ominous sound the title. According to scientists, GMO’s are not just used to create a better, tastier version of a food. GMO’s are actually primarily used to fight disease, hunger and malnutrition, improve crop and livestock breeding practices, and, quite possibly, even save some lives.

    Is the risk of disease from the GMO's too great of a risk that will thus render the creation of it useless, or is the risk one that can be taken when it appears?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. According to the sources, GMO's have their pro's and con's. Some positives on them are that they have a resistance to insects. This means that this prevents food from becoming rotten quicker, giving it the look and feel of a still intact food. Another positive is that they are able leniant to weekillers, meaning that these plants don't automatilly get killed, meaning they are able to produce more foods for us humans. They are also tolerant to temperature, meaning they are not largely affected by improper temperature and can still live and thrive. These things are very important because they help these plants and food stay alive longer and help give more sources of food and nutrients to us humans for a longer amounts of time. This longer lasting life of plants could also cause sickness and death as according to the Healthline (GMO's: Pros and Cons), it states that "food allergies in children under 18 years of age have increased; from 3.4 percent between 1997 and 1999 to 5.1 percent between 2009 and 2011." This shows that GMO's can be harmful to many humans. Although, the source does claim that GMO's are not an obvious cause, there is some link to it being true. Also, they are resistance to antibiotics. This means that diseases in these plants are harder to take down, meaning that many humans that eat from these plants are gaining disease and dying because it is near impossible for the antibiotics to do their job, which is to fight off those diseases. So, is having longer lasting and better looking food worth it in the long run?

  22. “Relocating Leaders Abroad: Pros and Cons.” 2014, doi:10.13007/368.

  23. GMO’s are one of the biggest issues in the science community today. They have some good qualities, as well as some undesired ones. Some of the good things that come with GMO’s is better food quality, easier growing, increased production of food, and less herbicide use. But some of the consequences of using GMO’s are increased food related allergies, they can cause antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and some research has shown that it can cause cancer formation. These are just a few of the many reasons and effects of GMO’s that make them a controversial issue.

    So what do you think about GMO’s? Should they stay, or should they go?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I believe that GMO's should stay in the world because they can actually be very effective but can sometimes be bad, just like everything else. So,Should we really get rid of GMO's?

    3. We should not get rid of GMO's because in the long run they do feed more people and while they may not be as healthy nothing is. Are gmo's really that bad?

    4. I believe we should not get rid of GMO's because while there are some bad sides, the pros outweigh the cons. They have a mostly positive effect, as in feeding more people. What are the negative effects GMO's have on people?

    5. I believe GMO's should stay because they benefit more then they harm, for they supply us healthy food, etc. GMO's might end up harming the environment in a long period of time, though. Should we take a risk and keep using GMO's or not? Why or why not?

    6. I believe that GMO's should stay in this world because why not. GMO's are helping us much more than they are hurting us. Yes, GMO's might hurt the environment a little in a long period of time but GMO's are also helping people all around the world everyday. an avererage person keeps fruits and veggies laying outside for weeks and if we did not have GMO's then most peoples food would go bad very quickly. How many foods in your house right now are genetically mutated?

  24. Genetically modified food has been shown to have a longer shelf life, grow faster and be immune to pesticides. GMOs can also be used to make food healthier and more desirable. Though studies have shown that genetically modified corn and soy let rats to have a higher risk of liver and kidney problems.
    Labmate, International. “The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).” The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Labmate Online, Aug. 2014, 24,
    Should we keep GMOs? Do the risk of GMOs outweigh the pros?

    1. We should keep GMO's because like you said they last longer and can feed more people and with such a starvation issue in america and the world it is very much needed. Is people starving more important then self care?

  25. According to my source it says the source, GMOs can be helpful and harmful. Some good things about GMO is that it can prevents insects from eating the crops, it an make the crops grow faster, it can prevent plants to become rotten. Some of the bad things about GMOs is that when we use it, it can carry things that kill the animals that need what's in the plants. This can really harm the ecosystem because if the animal that eats the plant dies then there will be less of that species and the things that eat that species will die out and the animals that eat that animal dies then eventually humans will also die. So should we continue using GMOs?, why or why not.

    Link to the source:

  26. There are pros and cons of genetic engineering, such as we can make fruit 1000 times bigger than it was 7000 years ago. But we can also create things that we don’t really need like glow in the dark bunnies, or ligers. We can also treat diseases with genetic engineering to get rid of the diseases that can be harmful by breeding animals that are immune to it. However with genetic engineering we give diseases to the animals by breeding them like some dogs with the really long ears can get a ear disease. Are GMOs the best thing for humans?

    Sanders, Robert. “With Nanotubes, Genetic Engineering in Plants Is Easy-Peasy.” Berkeley News, 25 Feb. 2019,

    1. They are not the BEST things for humans, but they can be very good. Even if there are some examples of them being bad it still is good most of the times. Are GMO's the best thing for Animals?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. A Pro for GMOs is that their Tillage System.The adoption of no tillage and minimum tillage practices in agriculture started in the 1980s. In fact, the largest extension of both no tillage and conservation tillage and the concomitant declines in soil erosion significantly predates the release of the first HT varieties of maize and soybean in 1996 (National Research Council [NRC], 2010).

    Acker, Rene Van, et al. “Pros and Cons of GMO Crop Farming.” Oxford Research Encyclopedias, 11 Dec. 2017,

  30. I think that GMOs are good and bad. they are good because you can make the food better and bigger. they are bad because you could hurt the environment in a negative way. like if you try to modify a plant so that if insects eat it they die, but you mess up and you end up just killing everything

    1. My question. would you rather have food that was bigger and grew fast of small food that took twice as long to grow

    2. In all honesty, I'd rather have bigger food. If we had smaller fruits and vegetables which took longer to grow, more people would starve. Would you rather people starve without GMOs or have them eat foods with GMOs, but run the risk of becoming sick? Why?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I think that GMOs are good because it tolerance to herbicides this would mean that it will protect the plant from herbicides. Herbicides is a substance that is toxic to plants.Another reason I think that GMOs are good because it has tolerance to heat and cold this would mean if the vegetable or fruit is on the farm and it got really hot it would not rot or nothing would happen to it and if it got too cold then the vegetable or fruit would not die. GMO also is resistance to insects this would also be a good thing so the insects would not eat the food that we would be eating that is why I think that GMO is a good thing in our environment. Would you eat a fruit or vegetable that has been in negative degree weather and it has been genetically modified.

    Complete Citation w/URL “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. GMOs are good because the foods easier to grow and gives a better product. It is good because people won't lose massive amounts of food to drought and insects. People are heavily dependent on a constant food source and with food that cant resist nature is not an option today. What would happen if humans stopped doing GMO?

    “What Are Some Pros of GMOs.” GMO Answers,

    1. If humans stopped doing GMOs growing crops would be harder because GMOs make it easier for crops to grow in harsh conditions.

      Do you think that GMOs are good for humans?

    2. If humans stopped using GMOs many animals would live. But our food would be a disaster. WE will have so many diseases.
      What is the difference between GMo food and NON- GMO foods

    3. If we stopped using GMOs we would began to starve. We would began to use too much resources to grow crops. Then we would lose population and then we would lose work and lose lots of produce. So what would happen if we resumed GMOs after all this happened?

    4. If scientists stopped GMO, the percentage of chronic illness in human beings would decrease from 13%. Super weeds may not become a reality if we don't continue to genetically modify food. What would happen if we continued to use GMO's?

  35. It is in human nature to resist change and have a fear of the undisclosed. In the years since the first GM foods reached the market, no harmful health effects have been found. However, it is not safe to say there are none. Some researchers in Italy found that genetically engineered corn has a drastically higher yield than non-GM varieties and has lower amounts of toxins that are usually produced by fungus. These effects are likely from the resistance to western corn rootworm. This disease damages ears of corn and allows fungi to thrive. Researchers said this change has had little to no effect on other insects. By engineering crops to have a resistance to insect damage, farmers have been able to use less and less pesticides. This increases food availability and safety for the farmers and environment. Amounts of corn, cotton and other crops are thought to have increased by 20 to 30 percent through genetic engineering. Billions of edible animals are raised in this country each year and are fed GM foods with no evidence of harm. Contrary to popular belief, animal health and growth efficiency actually improved with the genetically engineered feed. Adoption of GM foods, especially in African and Asian countries, could increase the food supply in areas where climate change has required crops to grow in dry and salty soils. If it is in human nature to fear change, why did we allow scientists to create these GM foods?

    Brody, Jane E. “Are G.M.O. Foods Safe?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 23 Apr. 2018,

  36. I think that GMOs are good for us humans. The reason for this is that farmers can make the crops have more nutrition. Also it can make it so insect can’t eat the crops or they will die. They can make it so that plants take less water and survive extreme weathers. So what would happen if we stopped using GMO’s?

    Works cited

    “Why Is GMO Good.” GMO Answers,

    1. We would have plants that didn’t last long. Plants would be harder. What would you rather eat GMO food or natural food?

  37. I think that GMOs are good for humans but their can be consequences of increasing size or increasing flavor. Nutrients can change such as, if a scientist decides to add some vitamin A in a fruit the vitamin E can go down saying this Nutrients isn't the only thing that can be affected. Taste and texture could change in the fruit from GMOs. Those Genetically modifying things can be good their will usually always be a consequence. So if this is true then how can we negate the consequence of genetically modifying something?

    Works Cited

    “GMO and the Nutritional Content of Food.” Discovery Eye Foundation, 24 Mar. 2016,

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. GMO’s are bad for humans because they can cause oran damage, gastointetinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging and infertility in animals. It can transfer into DNA of bacteria. The percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9 years. GMO’s will outlast the effects of global warning and nuclear waste. Crops are now modified to be herbicide resistent but continuously spraying the weeds creates “superweeds.” The herbicide residue is left on the plants that we eat. Should we keep eating GMO foods?

    Smith, Jeffrey. “10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs.” Institute for Responsible Technology, 16
    Jan. 2017,

  41. Gmo’s can be considered a good thing for a few reasons, but there are also reasons to believe it is bad. On the farms, GMOs can reduce pesticides, which reduces the amount of money farmers spend. GMOs may be the best thing we can do to adapt to the constant global changes. GMO products are test many times before actually sending it out to the market. Do the good things about GMO’s over power the bad things or is it the other way around?

    Staff, Battele. “Five Good Reasons to Support GMOs.” Inside Battelle, 27 Mar. 2015,

    1. I do think the pros of GMOs outweigh the cons. GMOs are better for the environment because it results in farmers using less fuel to till, reduces food waste because GM produce is more likely to be sell-able, and allows farmers to plant more food on less land and resources. Whereas GMO pros we can see are apart of everyday life, cons come down to chance and certain circumstances.

      Why do you think a lot of people believe GMOs are so bad?

    2. Most people don't believe GMOs are good because testing on animal show that their may be highly controversial, but it should be noted that GMO foods studied in animals have found organ impacts in virtually every circumstance. In humans, there may be an increased trend of food allergies and digestive intolerance because of genetic modification. When plants produce pesticides inside of the plant to kill insects, by basic definition, that plant is toxic. Would continue to eat food with GMOs in it?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think we should keep on using GMOs because it has tolerance to herbicides which means that the plant is not going to be toxic.

      Do you think they are good for humans?

    2. I don't believe that we should continue using GMO's because testing on animal show that their may be highly controversial, but it should be noted that GMO foods studied in animals have found organ impacts in virtually every circumstance. In humans, there may be an increased trend of food allergies and digestive intolerance because of genetic modification. When plants produce pesticides inside of the plant to kill insects, by basic definition, that plant is toxic. Would continue to eat food with GMOs in it?

  43. What is a GMO? A GMO is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one type of species are extracted and forced into the genes of an non-related plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals and more. But GMOs have many pros and con such as, they sometimes make changes to increase a plant’s resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides, tolerance for heat, cold, or drought and crop yield. However, when do these GMOs effect the environment badly? They may contribute to an increase in food-related allergies. "Information from the CDC shows that food allergies in children have increased from 3.4% to 5.1% in the last decade. Although there is no evidence that supports the idea that GMOs can contribute to an increase in food-related allergies, the idea that it can happen has been firmly planted. This idea causes many people to avoid products which contain GMOs." Would you eat foods that contain GMOs?

    "GMOs: Pros and Cons."

    Ayres, Crystal. “13 Vital Pros and Cons Of GMOs.”,

  44. There are many pros and cons when it comes to GMO’s. You could cure diseases, make food bigger and better than they were about 7000 years ago, and make domesticated animals. But, the only problem is, do we really need all of this? Mother nature can create as many mutations as it pleases, but do we need to genetically modify certain animals? We don’t need glowing dogs, or rabbits with longer ears, or making a bigger cow. Glowing dogs could be dangerous, because they could be seen in the night by bigger dogs, or predators (if you live in the mountains or something). Rabbits with longer ears could trip over their own ears if they try to run from a predator. These GMO’s are harmful for animals. So this leaves us to ponder on a certain question: Do we really need to ruin the lives of these poor animals for the sake of science?
    Nosowitz, Dan. “Twelve Extreme Animal Modifications in the Name of Science.” Popular Science, 15 Nov. 2010, ten-ways-scientists-are-customizing-animals#page-3.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. When I first here what GMO's are I think they are bad, like when I ate a Twix bar the other day and it said genetically modified I got scared. But after looking at some sources I realize that they play a big role in our food industry.For example according to they explain how farmers need less water or pesticides to grow crops and that allows farmers to grow more sustainably with a positive impact for the community. Also genetically modified crops are programmed to fight diseases and survive longer. So what this means is transporting from a foreign country our apples and bananas wont get expired, get diseases, or get bruised which is also great for everyone to eat when they get them.The biggest thing in genetically modified food is foods with enhanced nutritional profiles. For example today we have GMO soybean seeds that produce healthier soybean oils, eliminating trans fats and containing increased levels of Omega 3. That is only today, and the dream of many scientists is to have bananas in Uganda that have up to six times as much Vitamin A, or Golden rice. This will help children who suffer from Vitamin A deficiency globally every year. In conclusion GMO's are actually really good for people and the community, but as for the future there are limitless possibilities of what we can do with GMO's life solving many diseases or using GMO foods instead of opioides to stop addiction and stop pain.

    Farmers, US. “What Are the Benefits of GMOs, Both Today and in the Future?” Food Dialogues, 2000,

    Question: Why are companies labeling against GMO's

    1. ANSWER: The are labeling non GMO so that people know its organic and that it is not tampered with but some are labeling GMO because it is "better" they think, because it lasts longer or it gives bigger produce like a 200mm corn instead of a 10mm corn. They can also make it be immune to diseases as well.
      New Question: Should we always produce GMO food or should we only eat Organic food.

  47. Genetically modified organism, GMO's have and are still a great debate topic, in whether they are safe or harmful to the things we consume each day. Janelle Vaesa, author of "Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons of GMO Food,"claim the pros of GMO's are, the better taste in food, prevention to disease and pests, as well as a"faster output of crops." The article states the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation that farmers are able to grow more crops on less land due to genetically modified crops. The author also claims, genetically modified animals have specific genomes that help them to produce ‘better’ milk, meat and eggs, as well as having a higher percentage in resistance to disease and having an overall better health.

    Vaesa, Janelle, et al. “GMOs: Benefits and Negative Effects of Genetically Modified Food.” Decoded Science, 19 July 2013, gmo-food-pro-and-con/23179.

    What would be the affect if we were to stop using GMO's?

    1. What would be the affect if we were to stop using GMO's?

      Without genetically modified foods, we might have to give up oranges and resign ourselves to living with avian flu and more malnutrition. If GMO's were to stop being used, it might mean that there are no vegetables enriched with cancer fighting chemicals, drought-resistant corn, allergen-free peanuts, and bananas that deliver vaccines. Although there are negative effects, there are also positive effects if we were to stop using GMO's. A positive affect is that there will be flu-free chicken. GMO was affecting meats in a bad way, giving them more fat than needed. A team of U.K. researchers has developed a genetically modified chicken that doesn’t pass the virus onto other birds. And that means food for more people.

    2. Fulton, April. “What Would a World Without GMOs Look Like?” National Geographic, National Geographic, 30 June 2016,
      If we had to give up our GMOs, we would have to give up certain fruits such as oranges. We would also have to give up many seafood, due to the fish not growing fast enough, and us eating them too fast. We will have to begin to eat the original style of foods before they became extremely large/different. How does the GMO affect everyday life?

  48. This is an example of a GMO animal. GMO animals could impact us as humans positively. For example, cows that are genetically modified to produce milk for us humans is beneficial to us, and we can do much more with these kinds of experiments. On the contrary, GMO animals can also have a negative side. It is also bad because the animal that is being experimented on could die, and an if animal with dangerous genes mates with a normal one of its kind and that pattern spreads, then a whole species could be wiped out. Not only does this apply to animals, but applies to plants as well. Evidently, making a positive GMO would be the best for our world. What kind of positive GMO would you make?

    Callaway, Ewen. "Fluorescent puppy is world's first transgenic dog." NewScientist. 23 Apr. 2009. 22 Feb. 2019 .

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. A GMO or Genetically Modified Organism is an organism that has had it’ DNA modified to last a certain amount of time or ward off a certain disease sometimes GMOs can be very helpful and sometimes they can be harmful. GMOs Require less land, they reduce food prices, they can also prevent pesticide use. GMOs can also pollinate other plants that aren’t needed and give traits from the GMO to something like a weed and their will be an excess amount of useless weeds. One more downside to GMOs is you may not even know when your eating one because boxes aren’t usually labeled so now you’re eating something and you don’t even know if it’s a GMO or not an this is bad for people who are trying to prevent eating GMOs. Will we only eat GMOs in the future?

    Complete Citation w/URL

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  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. There are good and bad in Genetically Modified Organisms.
    Good GMOs: GMOs can reduce the count of pesticides. GMO food products are the most tested products in history now. So, this s probably one of the most trusted options.
    Bad GMOs: Trying to modify an organism or anything, can cause mutations on the artificial product that wasn't there before. When trying to figure out ways to kill weeds, instead of just killing weeds, the breeding had every green plant killed as well.
    Which option would be better in the food situation and why?
    “Five Good Reasons to Support GMOs.” Inside Battelle, Accessed 26 Feb. 2019.
    Nutshell, Kurzgesagt – In a. “Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Mar. 2017, Accessed 26 Feb. 2019.

    1. In my opinion, GMOs are more negative than positive. I believe this because GMOs have raised the percentage of allergies to over 2% more since the last decade. This means that animals are dying off and getting diseases like cancer into their system from these GMOs. That means these GMOs are fighting off the antibiotics, which are supposed to help cure these diseases. This means if these diseases are in your genes, they will become more deadly and will be able to cause more harm to you.

      My question is are GMOs still worth it in the long run?

    2. Not really. I mean, our ancestors didn't have genetically modified food, and they were still able to eat. It might not have been much, but it was something to keep them alive. It must have, otherwise the family lines would have died out. Do you agree or disagree with me?

  54. Today I will be arguing if GMO's are good or bad. This argument could go either way. Some things about GMO's are good for humans and other living things, while there are also some bad effects the come with GMO's too. A bad example is...
    "A gene borrowed from Bacilius Thuringiensis, lets engineered plants produce a protein that destroys the Digestive System of specific insect pests."

    Nutshell, Kurzgesagt – In a. “Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Mar. 2017,

    1. Do you think GMO's are good or bad. Explain.

    2. I think that GMO's are good and bad but mostly good, because GMO's make food last longer, make bigger food, and can prevent diseases. However it can be bad because you can give them diseases by accident when forcing them to breed. It can also be neutral because you can create things that are just not useful like a glow in the dark bunny.
      Question: What would happen to everyone if we stopped making GMO foods.

    3. I believe that GMOs are both good and bad. GMOs can make food more prettier and more stable. But it can be equally as bad because give them very bad diseases. So if we stopped making GMO we wouldn't be able to have food that sustain diseases and other many helpful things. So wouldn't it have a good and bad effect?

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. GMOs are when we genetically modify plants and animals to have certain immunities and other things but GMOs also have pros and cons.One of the pros about GMO is that we can make plants grow faster, make plants bigger, and have other traits that we want in plants.One of the cons of GMO is that GMO can kill animals. GMO can kill animals because if a certain animal needs something in the plant and it dies because of the pesticide the animals that eats that species will die and then eventually the humans will also die. Should we continue to use GMOs?, why or why not

    URL to source:

    1. Yes and no. Yes because it can make our food longer and become resistance to insects and stuff but also no because can it can cause health problems like health problems in your kidney or in other body parts but we really won't die because we are use to it so Do you really think we are going to die from GMOs even tho we eat it all the time?

    2. Although the cons are very bad and that GMOs can and possibly will kill animals, the pros outweigh the cons. So we should continue to make GMOs because it helps out the farmers out immensely produce more crops at a faster rate in a smaller plot of land. These are my reasons why we should continue to make GMOs.

    3. Well I don’t really have a solid answer for this question, but as I have read there are more positive outcomes to genetic engineering, but there are also quite a few negative outcomes. It may make our crops bigger or easier to grow and take care of, but the crops could possibly lose nutritional value, and make pathogens stronger. It is the way of nature to adapt, and do “your job.” A pathogens job is to cause and spread disease and illness, so it would end up finding a way to infect the crops. This would only make the pathogens stronger.

      So, should we take that risk along with the many other risks?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. According to Greentumble, GMOs are economically efficient because they lower the risk of pesticide contamination. They also decrease the chance of crops failing, and enrich nutritional value by containing necessary vitamins and minerals. On the flip side, GMOs increase the use of herbicides (a toxic substance to plants), makes antibiotics resistant, damages the environment (ex. creating more weeds). Also, there is no scientific evidence to prove that GMO foods are safe to consume. Are GMOs impacting insects positively or negatively?

    “Pros and Cons of GMOs.” Greentumble, 21 May 2018,

    1. One of the main points of GMOs is to prevent insects from eating the Fruit or Vegetable that is planted so I guess GMOs would negatively effect the insects which would help us out and prevent the insects from eating our crops.

  59. There are pros and cons to GMO.Some pros of GMO are they are resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides, tolerance for heat, cold, or drought, and crop yield.
    Farmers also engineer seeds to give GM foods stronger colors, increase their shelf life, or eliminate seeds. That’s why we can buy seedless watermelons and grapes. Some GM foods also have been engineered to have higher levels of specific nutrients, such as protein, calcium, or folate. Cons of GMO is that you have a higher risk of developing liver and kidney problems. These health risks may not be transferable to humans, but they illustrate the unpredictable nature of GMOs on living things. Would you you rather have a food that last longer but can cause health problems or have food that last a short amount of time and doesn't cause health problems?

  60. A GMO is a plant, animal, or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. Using GMOs you scientists can create combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods. Let's say you had a fruit or vegetable that would usually go bad in 4-5 days. Using GMOs, you can increase the time it takes to go bad by 8-10 days. Many different people have their own opinion on if GMOs should be used or not, what do you think?
    “What Is a GMO?” Non-GMO Project,

    1. I really do think that GMO's are good, mostly because of all the limitless things and ideas we have to make innovations to our food and other consuming items to make our eating habits more healthier or worse. So yes I think GMO's should be used, but as long as you don't use to much because we don't know what would happen if we overdosed on GMO's, or if that's a thing.

      Question: What would the world be like if we overdosed on GMO's?

  61. In the absence of credible independent long-term feeding studies, the safety of GMOs is unknown. Increasingly, citizens are taking matters into their own hands and choosing to opt out of the GMO experiment.Sixty-four countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, require genetically modified foods to be labeled. Canada does not require any GMO labeling. Are you willing to risk millions of animal lives just to make gmo’s ?

    1. First of all I would like to say how are you going to talk about animal life when 1. you didn't even talk about animalsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, 2. GMO's don't necessarily require animal death. Answering question: I am not willing to risk animal lives, because we don't need to kill animals to make genetically modified foods, and instead of looking at in as a bad thing I think it would be better to look at GMO's and say are you risking to allow a lot of people's lives instead of helping to solve world hunger or putting special genes or viruses to kill diseasesšŸ’‰šŸ’Š in the human body?

      Question: Why would you not be willing to take action in world problems with GMO's if we already possess the powers to do so.

    2. food are animals genius!!!!!! shows the difference from your copy pasted work and your real work!

  62. According to recent studies, GMO can have both pros and cons. Some of the pros are that they are immune to diseases and they prevent diseases from happening. Also, they are a lot easier to form and they can last longer. Take Golden Rice for example, the goal is to enrich rice to help combat Vitamin-A deficiency problems in developing countries. Food contains. Although there may be pros about GMO's there are also cons to this. Some of the cons are that they are not naturally grown, and that this kills some animals. Take Roundup Ready Corn for example, it reduces the amount of herbicide used by engineering herbicide-resistant corn. The evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds will require farmers to increase herbicide use, which will negate the benefits of Roundup ready corn.

    Would there be a positive or negative impact if we were to stop using GMO's? Why?

    “Genetically-Modified Organisms: The Good, the Bad, and the Future.” Science in the News, 17 Nov. 2013,

    1. Jessica,
      Going off of your question, I think it would have a negative impact if we were to stop using
      GMO's. Like you said, they prevent diseases and without them there wwould be lots of sickness. Also, they can contain more nutrients than normal and can last longer.
      My question is, if we continued using GMO's would it have a negative impact?

  63. GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) have advantages as well as disadvantages. Some of the advantages of GMOs is that it sometimes affects the looks of a plant as well as increasing its resistance to insects, and it’s tolerance for the constant changes in weather conditions. Antibiotic resistance in GMOs are not beneficial as it makes bacteria in food much harder to kill off. Along with this disadvantage there are many other negative affects of GMOs. So, are GMOs really worth it?

    Colbert, Treacy. “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 5 Oct. 2016,

  64. Most people think foods that are Genetically Modified (GMO) are bad and hurt the environment. In some cases this is true but for the most part, it can be helpful not only to the environment but to the people who take care of parts of the environment (such as farmers). When the crops are genetically modified the farmers spend less time on their machines which lessens carbon emissions. With all that being said do you think that scientists should stop genetically modifying crops and other foods? Why or why not.

    “GMOs & The Environment.” GMO Answers, Council for Biotechnology Information , 2013,

  65. GMOs
    According to GMO- Project, when it comes to absence and credible independent long term studies, the safety of GMOs are currently unknown. GMOs have been used farming for many years but because they safety is unknown, who knows if it is good or bad for us. Well, I personally believe it has mainly a bad effect on humans. For example it can cause food allergies and other problems such as antibiotic resistance. Overall GMOs to me, mainly have a bad effect on humans, maybe even animals too. In another site it is stated that GMOs are safe to eat. So, the real question is, what is the REAL effect that GMOs have on organisms?
    “Are GMOs Safe To Eat?” GMO Answers,

    “GMO Facts.” Non-GMO Project,

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. A Pro for GMOs is that their Tillage System.The adoption of no tillage and minimum tillage practices in agriculture started in the 1980s. In fact, the largest extension of both no tillage and conservation tillage and the concomitant declines in soil erosion significantly predates the release of the first HT varieties of maize and soybean in 1996 (National Research Council [NRC], 2010). Do you believe that GMOs a good thing?

    Acker, Rene Van, et al. “Pros and Cons of GMO Crop Farming.” Oxford Research Encyclopedias, 11 Dec. 2017,

  68. The question is are GMOs good for us. I believe that they are. The fact that we can modify the organism is enough but being able to modify an organism any way we want is crazy. If there is a shortage of food we can modify the food to be larger. We can change anything we want. So with this knowledge do we as people need to set laws in place to control this?

    Brody, Jane E. “Are G.M.O. Foods Safe?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 23 Apr. 2018,

  69. Genetically modified food or GMOs, based on a number of studies, can pose serious risks to the human health and even the wildlife and the environment. The government does not do a good job of regulating whats GMO and whats not, its voluntary. With the risk that GMOs could cause, what would you do to fix this issue?

    1. “GMOs-The Good, the Bad and the Future.” Healthy, Eco-Friendly Consumers Drive Global Packaging Trends | ProFood World, PMMI Media Company,

  70. The author of the source believes that there are many pros. For example, seeds can be changed so that they have a resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides ,tolerance for heat, cold, or drought, crop yield. She also believes that it can take out certain annoyances like seeded watermelon. Also, foods can be structured so that they are higher in nutrient that humans need. The author states studies that says that GMOs might link to allergies. Though there is no evidence many people say it is a cause. Also, many people saying that when seeds are mutated with antibacterial products it can end up producing antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

    Can modifying a organism lead to super organisms?

    Complete Citation w/URL
    "Gmos: Pros And Cons ." Healthline. N. p., 2019. Web. 26 Feb. 2019.

    1. Yes, If it can work for plants so it can work for animals too. If you wanted to make a animal more meatier for food or if you wanted a certain animal . Genetic engineering, where you modify the genes in the DNA to make an organism of your need. If you do this correctly, you can make a super animal.
      What are some examples of super animals?

  71. Genetically modified organisms are believed by some anti-GMO groups to have negative impacts on humans, however scientists and companies that create GMO argue that they are harmless, and actually more beneficial to the environment. Some positive aspects of GMO can be that genetically modified food tend to have more nutrients, grow quicker, and are more resistant to pesticides. Artificially implanting DNA from one species to another can save many years of research, and although can be considered unnatural, unnatural things and habits can be beneficial. Some cons however, are that GMO can affect people with allergies unpredictably. GMO are also not always tested thoroughly and are considered by some people to be too unpredictable.

    How could we change the process of creating GMOs to make them safer and have less prejudice against them?

    “The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).” Labmate , 24 Aug. 2014.

  72. Some Atlantic salmon eggs have been genetically modified with dna from two other kinds of fish, to grow and mature faster than normal. These fish are now being sold in the United States and Canada. However, many people are debating whether this is safe, healthy, and necessary. These genetically modified salmon could impact people or the ecosystem.

    Why or why not should people be eating GMO fish or other foods.
    July 3rd, 2017by Eric Bender. “Transgenic Fish Are Ready for Us. Are We Ready for Them?” New Food Economy, New Food Economy, 19 Dec. 2017,

  73. Although GMOs can keep plants and fruits like apples from browning, and prevent plants from having to be sprayed with insecticide, many anti-GMO groups argue that GMOs are the cause of toxic and allergic reactions, dead livestock, and damaged intestines studied in lab rats. However, many science organisms fear that the grudge against GMOs might simply be focused on the emotional side of things instead of the scientific side of things. Should GMOs be banned? Is there a way to make GMOs safer?

    Lallanilla, Marc. “GMOs: Facts About Genetically Modified Food.” Live Science, 11 Jan. 2016,

  74. According to Healthline, the pros of Genetically Modified Organisms (or GMO’s) can include resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides, tolerance for heat, cold, or drought, and crop yield. They also eliminate the seeds, and give stronger color and shell life. Some have given more nutrients and have the ability to grow in many places.
    The cons of GMOs can include the fact that you might get allergies. You can get antibiotic resistant, which means you would resistant to the effects of antibiotics because of the certain antibiotic resistant germs.

    Is there more good effects of GMO than there are bad?

    “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,”

  75. GMOs are very common in many foods, making them last longer, grow bigger, and be more resistant to diseases. However, they have side effects, which are not always good. For example, some places have crops which are resistant to very powerful herbicides and pesticides. However, the nearby milkweed is not. Monarch butterflies rely on the milkweed (and other weeds which are unprotected from the poisons) and therefore cannot complete their migratory routes.

    Do you think that crops should be modified to be resistant to poisons, with the risk of harming the environment? Why or why not?

  76. Is Selective Breading good or bad?
    Here are some ADVANTAGES of selective breading from the source "16 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Selective Breeding"
    1. It requires no company patent.
    2. It allows for higher profit.
    3. It can create new varieties of good crops.
    Here are some DISADVANTAGES of selective breading from the source "16 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Selective Breeding"
    1. It can lead to loss of species variety.
    2. It does not have control over genetic mutations.
    3. It brings about discomfort to animals.

    Citation: Ayres, Crystal. “16 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Selective Breeding.” Green Garage, 22 July 2015,

    What do you think. Is selective breading good or bad? Explain.

    1. Olivia, I beleive selective breeding is a bad thing due to it's harmful effects on our animals and oursleves. Like you said it can lead to a loss of species and also could lead to liver and kidney problems.

      If we did take GMO's away do you think it would be a positive or negative impact on us humans specificaly?

  77. Both pros and cons present themselves in the controversial topic of GMOs. A pro is that crops are enlarged for more fulfilling consumption. An example of this is how children often times would have to eat up to 10 pounds of corn. Now, with genetically modified corn that has much more vitamin A. However, the cons can be as overwhelming as the pros. An example of a con is that weeds that evolve with herbicide immunity will cause the farmers to have to use even more herbicides to eradicate them.

    Do you think that herbicides should be continued to be used if GMO and mutated plants will overcome them anyways?

    “Genetically-Modified Organisms: The Good, the Bad, and the Future.” Science in the News, 17 Nov. 2013,

  78. GMOs are helpful in farming. To label some pros. Pros of GMOs are that it is easier to produce and they are immune to pesticides and herbicides. But there are also cons too. After some time the weeds the will become immune to the herbicides. Scientists often test GMOs experiments on animals. Some GMOs are not labeled this means people on a non-GMO diet would not be able to differentiate between non-GMOs and GMOs. Do you think that people should label GMO foods? If so why?

    1. I believe that products with GMOs should be labeled as such. Like you said, people on a non-GMO diet or personal restrictions would want/have to stay away from all unlabeled foods, just in case GMOs were used. Some people, though, would prefer to eat GMOs, as they are the healthier, longer-lasting option, so there wouldn’t be too much of a problem of too many people refusing to buy products made with GMOs. Therefore, there wouldn't be too many consequences in labeling products. OTher countries do this as well, so companies wouldn't be doing anything new and possibly terrible.

  79. GMOs have affected our world greatly, but have they always effected it in a good way? GMOs have many pro's and con’s. A few good impacts they have made on our world are, they can produce “designer crops” that can have more nutrients than normally, artificially implanting species into an organism has saved many, many years of researching. Lastly, GMOs can cause cells to become healthier and stronger. But not only are there good effects there are many bad effects. For example, it has been proven on rat’s than some modified foods can lead to liver and kidney problems. Also, GMO’s could affect allergies in unpredictable ways. Lastly, many GMO products are not labeled to show they have been modified, so people consume them without even knowing.

    After reading this, will you hesitate based on whether or not your food had been modified by GMOs when you eat it?

    Complete Citation w/URL:
    Labmate, International. “The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).” The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Labmate Online, 2014,

  80. GMOs has been a process used over decades in terms of farming, making it a quicker process and plants modified + stripped of its flaws. Although creating GMOs may lead to plenty potential new species to be introduced to the face of the earth, you can’t find the natural/original forms of so said plants or animals in the wild. Using pesticides, one of the most common forms of GMO can affect plant and animal life negatively by the spreading of foreign, unnatural chemicals.
    Would altering crops for better appeal be worth risking other things?

    “Pesticides.” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,. 2018,

  81. GMOs are genetically modified organisms. This website talks about the pros of GMOs. GMOs can increase a plant’s shelf life, crop yield, resistance to insects, and tolerance for heat, cold, drought, or herbicides. They can also make the plant have a stronger color and eliminate seeds. GMOs can help feed countries that do not have access to food with high amounts of nutrients due to the facts that these food products can grow in different environments and have a shelf life that can handle being shipped overseas. What are the cons of GMOs?

    “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,

  82. Half a million children become blind due to vitamin A deficiency every year, and half of them die. A scientist named Ingo Potrykus is a humanitarian and plant scientist in Switzerland. He created something called “Golden Rice”. He fortified it with vitamin A. This would stop the blinding and death being caused. However, there was one problem; money. He set them out for free but people who resell this are preventing those children from obtaining the rice. However, there are downsides; they are artificial and can cause side effects. So, is the rice worth the side effects?

    “Are GMOs Bad for Your Health? If You're Asking This Question, You're Probably Missing the Point.” Precision Nutrition, 5 Apr. 2018,

    1. Could we know what the possible side effects are?

  83. GMOs are genetically modified foods are made from soy, corn, or other crops grown from seeds with genetically engineered DNA. Some pros to GMOs is that it has resistance to insects and has a tolerance for heat, cold, or drought. Although, some cons to GMOs is that It can cause cancer and is Antibiotic resistant. So, having GMO’s makes life easy but causes cancer which is it not worth it. Would you still eat GMO foods? Why or Why not?

    “GMOs: Pros and Cons.” Healthline, Healthline Media,


    There is a very big debate between the question asked, “Are GMO’s good or bad?” This answer depends from how you look at it because it has its ups and it has its down. One good thing about GMO’s is how it doesn’t carry diseases along with it and when it is being farmed, farmers do not have to worry about using as much pesticide, for genetically modified plants can kill insects on their own. It also looks and tastes like perfection which is something that many people are picky about, because if you were to eat la crop with a brown spot, you might not want to eat it that much, but if you eat a genetically modified crop version of it which has no spot on it, you will be satisfied. Despite all the good things about GMO’s, it can also hurt the environment in ways such as lead to a chain reaction which leads to a generation of some sort of organism dead. So I ask this, how would you try to fix this problem so we can still use GMO’s without hurting the environment, or would you stop using GMO’s overall?

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. GMO's could cause serious risk to farmers, Human Health, domesticated animals, wildlife and the economy. The government is getting involved requiring that the people should know what they are eating requesting to have restrictions, and stricter regulations when labeling. More than 30 states already introduced legislation to require GE labeling in 2013 and 2014. What do you now think about GMO's knowing that the government is getting involved

    “GMOs-The Good, the Bad and the Future.” Healthy, Eco-Friendly Consumers Drive Global Packaging Trends | ProFood World, Pro Food World,


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